
Double-crested Cormorant

 The Double-crested Cormorant is a very common sight around Newfoundland. They can be found in freshwater ponds, around the shoreline or out at sea. They are year-round residents, and I see them frequently.
 I have chosen a selection of images that most typify the poses of the Double-crested Cormorant. In this image, the cormorant is drying its wings. After a good swim it is very common to see them perched on a rock or on the shoreline with the wings extended and flapping.
 This particular cormorant was very cooperative with me at Quidi Vidi Lake. It seems that it has grown accustomed to the many walkers and visitors to the lake.
 Many times when I spot a Double-crested Cormorant around the shoreline, this is the typical of my first sighting. The cormorant has a very distinctive neck and often tilts its head upward. They swim low in the water and at times, the back is not visible.
The Double-crested Cormorant strikes a very easily identifiable form when flying. It seems to use its big tail to launch it into the air where it will often fly just above the waterline. The colors in these photos have not been altered.