It is very difficult to photograph. It is typically tight to the tree under all of the shade and growth surrounding the tree. So far, I have not gotten a good picture of this little bird. However, it is relatively common so I hope to bring home some better shots any day.
For local birders, I saw these birds in the wooded walking trails through the Botanical Gardens and Long Pond, Pippy Park.
In a display of abnormal behaviour, this Brown Creeper caught me off guard as it flew to a nearby tree branch and set for just a moment. Try as I did, I couldn't get my lens adjusted for this close a shot and I may have missed my best opportunity. Should this happen again, I think I will be prepared.
This shot was taken in November 2010. This little Creeper was very small and very fast. While I could keep my eye on it easily enough, I could not get a fast focus before it would flit to another tree. I posted this one because is it somewhat better than the others in this section.