
Boreal Chickadee

The Boreal Chickadee is more illusive than the Black-capped Chickadee. I have most often found them deeper in the woods in higher trees and more difficult to photograph. It takes a great deal of patience to wait for the little bird of its own volition to poke its head out into the light. Sometimes this happens as in this shot, and sometimes, it doesn't.

This second shot clearly illustrates the difference between a shot with good lighting and one without. It was a typical grey day and as usual, I was shooting many feet up to the top of the tree.

I have very few pictures of the Boreal Chickadee. I think I need to find this bird again.

 Updated on Nov. 3, 2010. Patience and perseverance will often yield just what you are looking for. While cruising and scanning the Southern Shore, I came across a small flock of birds near an abandoned house. There were several Northern Flickers, Black-Capped Chickadees, Blue Jays and some Boreal Chickadees.  Out of the blue a Northern Flicker landed on the top of my car. I would have loved to have photographed that.

With the sun coming and going, I was
lucky to get a moment when this Boreal Chickadee landed in a tree top  at the same moment that the sun popped out.

It was a wonder any small bird would venture to the top of a tree in the gale-force winds. How windy was it? It was windy enough the part this little bird's "hair" right down the middle. He didn't seem to mind too much and clung tight to the branch while eating.

It is thought that the food supply for this winter is going to be scarce and that we will see more small birds frequenting out bird feeders. I have laid in a supply of bird seed and bought a new winter-proof feeder in preparation for my much-anticipated visitors.