
Great Blue Heron
Some birds just stand out over others. On an early morning jaunt around Eureka Springs, my sister and I took a detour to a marshy area to see what we could find. We found plenty! Among the numerous birds there, this Great Blue Heron was feeding about 50 yards from shore. That and the early morning haze did not make it easy for my camera, but I did the best I could.

This long-legged wading bird stands very still for long periods of time feeding on fish that dare to pass too closely.
I watched this heron with its long, "billowy" feathers for quite a while, hoping that it would come closer. There were many other birds in the area so I didn't waste my time shooting shot after shot of this distant figure.

Note the white dots in the atmosphere. These drops of moisture were not visible to the naked eye but were certainly captured by my high shutter speed. And we think it is humid here in Newfoundland!

A Little Blue Heron was spotted here in St. John's just two days ago. If it is located again, I will rush to see it, with camera in hand, of course.