
Pine Siskin

 The Pine Siskin is found in Newfoundland throughout the year. My first encounter with this small bird was on the Bauline Line Extension during February of this year. However, the images that I captured were distant, dull and blurred. I stored them away hoping to have a better opportunity at a later date.

 Much to my surprise in early September, I had some Pine Siskin visitors in my yard. I had mixed some Niger seed with my usual lot and in they came.  I watched them for several days at the feeder and was able to get the shot above, shooting from my kitchen window.
 Then one late one afternoon a pair of Pine Siskins came to dine and I got bold enough to go outdoors to see if I could get some better shots. The field guide reports that these are tame birds and are approachable. That proved to be true. I got within six feet of the birds feeding on the ground. Because it was late and getting dark, I used my flash to get these pictures. It didn't bother them at all.
These little birds can travel as far as Florida or Mexico if food is scarce. Note the yellow at the base of the primaries and secondaries. The song of this bird is quite loud and can be heard from the car when driving down some less traveled road. In the winter it is possible to see this bird on the side of the road as it is attracted to the salt.