It is like centimeters of snow and millimeters of rain just lifted off my shoulders. The next three days were perfect summer days. With UV
protector and Deep Woods Off splattered all over me, I headed out birding on Sunday and Monday.

On Sunday I decided to go someplace new. When birding the Southern Shore using a full day in the usual places often limits stopping into the many communities along the way. Sunday I decided to make La Manche and Brigus South my destinations instead of drivebys.
First stop was La Manche Park where I learned that the trail to the bridge was a little further up the road. There I ran into another pair of birders enjoying the Wilson's Warblers. We were told of the American Redstarts at the entrance to the park but I couldn't find them right away so we headed on to the East Coast Trail.
Signs of summer were everywhere. This great little Tiger Swallowtail popped out of the woods and enjoyed some nectar long enough for me to get a few shots.