

Stone humming bird has the Latin name Copychus malabaricustermasuk Turdidae family members . Birds Turdidae family is known to have a good singing ability with a melodious voice , bermelodi ( not guitar ) , and highly variable . Bird Murai famous stone of a very melodious voice . Not only melodious voice but also his fighting style is very nice and unique .The types of stone humming bird in Indonesia is very diverse , inter alia , Murai Batu field , Murai Aceh , Nias Murai stone , stone Murai Lampung , Murai banjo , Murai Palangkaraya , Murai Larwo ( magpie Java ) , the following are the characteristics of this type of Murai stone.

Murai rock terrain , Bukit Lawang , Bahorok , legs G Leuser Sumatera.

Murai TYPE STONE       Murai TYPE STONE       Murai TYPE STONE