
White - Winged Scoter - Torbay

 Every now and then it seems that a sea bird becomes "land locked."  This appears to be the case with this White-winged Scoter.  About a month a go, I found about seven White-winged Scoters at Torbay Beach.  They stayed around for a day or two and then were gone.
Gone, that is....all except this one straggler that has been at the beach all this time.  It is mixing with the sea gulls that are feeding around the sewer outlet.
I'm sure that it would be possible to get a better picture of this bird if I got out of the car and acted very quickly before it could swim away. To date I have stayed in the car and just watched the behaviour of this bird.
 The white wing on this species is very prominent and makes it easy to make a quick ID. I like that!
Occasionally, this little Red-necked Grebe is seen with the scoter. It has come and gone over the last several weeks.  I don't know where it goes but it has returned to the area several times. This is quite unusual and a real treat to see the grebe so close to shore.

I wonder if it is still there today.  Gotta check that out and maybe add this one to the Winter List.