
Gray Cat

Last week I stopped in Shea Heights to check out a flock of birds that was flipping back and forth across the road.

I got out of the car and pulled out my small wooden bird call and began to twist it slowly trying to create the sound of a "chip."

Chip!  Chip! Chip!  The Dark-eyed Juncos and American Goldfinches began to move in a little closer.
A beagle in a nearby cage began to make a mournful sound like none I had ever heard before and then all of a sudden this little Gray Cat popped out of the woods and headed straight for me. It kept its eyes trained on my hands listening to the high pitched sound.  It came with such purpose that I thought it was going to jump right up in my arms. 

I inched my way back from it and it crouched as if just waiting for me to release a small bird into the air.

This was a first.